List All Payouts
Only return payouts that have the given status: pending, paid, failed, or canceled.
A filter on the list based on the object created field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with the following options:
Return results where the created field is greater than this value.
Return results where the created field is greater than or equal to this value.
Return results where the created field is less than this value.
Return results where the created field is less than or equal to this value.
The ID of an external account - only return payouts sent to this external account.
A cursor for use in pagination. ending_before is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with obj_bar, your subsequent call can include ending_before=obj_bar in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
A cursor for use in pagination. starting_after is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with obj_foo, your subsequent call can include starting_after=obj_foo in order to fetch the next page of the list.
"status": "string",
"created": {
"gt": "string",
"gte": "string",
"lt": "string",
"lte": "string"
"destination": "string",
"ending_before": "string",
"limit": 0,
"starting_after": "string"
"object": "list",
"url": "/v1/payouts",
"has_more": false,
"data": [
"id": "po_1M9OPNL6kclEVx6MVxzULjsL",
"object": "payout",
"amount": 1100,
"created": 1669707553,
"currency": "eur",
"destination": "ba_xxxxxxxxxx",
"failure_balance_transaction": null,
"failure_code": null,
"failure_message": null,
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {},
"method": "standard",
"original_payout": null,
"reversed_by": null,
"source_type": "card",
"statement_descriptor": null,
"status": "in_transit",
"type": "bank_account"