GCash is an all-in-one app that allows users to safely make online and in-store payments, as well as mobile top ups and bill payments.
Processing currencies | PHP |
Settlement currencies | GBP,USD,EUR,HKD |
Minimum transaction amount | 1 PHP |
Maximum transaction amount | No Transaction Limit |
Refunds | ✅ |
Partial Refunds | ✅ |
Multiple partial refund | ❌ |
Chargeback | ❌ |
Integration Method
Payment method enumeration values: gcash
There is integration method for GCash
- Direct API
- Checkout
Direct API
How to integration
For direct API integration, you can create a PaymentIntent and get url in only one step. The following is the demo of creating payment intent:
A PaymentIntent is an object that represents your intent to collect payment from your customer and tracks the lifecycle of the payment process. Create a PaymentIntent on your server and specify the amount to collect and a supported currency. If you have an existing Payment Intents integration, add gcash
to the list of payment method types.
"id": "pi_1692411609156157440",
"object": "payment_intent",
"created": 1692337346000,
"livemode": false,
"currency": "PHP",
"amount": 30000,
"status": "requires_action",
"merchant_order_id": "商户订单号",
"client_secret": "pi_1692411609156157440_secret_LTUJaQca5yi6krhonAQoGUL8",
"next_action": {
"type": "redirect_to_url",
"gcash_handle_redirect": {
"url": "https://open-sea-global.alipayplus.com/api/open/v1/ac/cashier/self/codevalue/checkout.htm?codeValue=2816660400932RVP49jpe2t3Jz6HrZO304ax&loadMode=2"
"payment_method_types": [
"confirmation_method": "automatic",
"payment_method_options": {
"gcash": {
"terminal_type": "WEB"
"return_url": "https://wooshpay.com",
"payment_method": "pm_1692411609059688448",
"capture_method": "automatic"
Payment flow
- Customer selects BPI from the list of payment methods available and clicks on the Pay botton
- Customers will be redirected to Gcash login page
- The client logs in to Gcash account and completes payment
- Payment succeeds and the client is redirected back to the page you designated
Create a Session
"cancel_url": "www.wooshpay.com",
"mode": "payment",
"success_url": "https://wooshpay.com/",
"payment_method_types": [
"line_items": [
"price_data": {
"currency": "PHP",
"product": null,
"unit_amount": 20000,
"active": true,
"metadata": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"nickname": "apple",
"product_data": {
"id": null,
"name": "apple",
"active": true,
"description": "very delicious",
"metadata": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"url": "www.wooshpay.com"
"billing_scheme": "testscheme",
"lookup_key": "test_lookup_key"
"quantity": 1
"id": "cs_1661926259464077312",
"object": "checkout.session",
"created": 1685069072000,
"currency": "PHP",
"customer": "",
"mode": "payment",
"livemode": false,
"status": "open",
"url": "https://checkouttest.wooshpay.com/pay/cs_test_1661926259464077312?key=pk_test_NTE1OTU5NzQ3NTQ2MTM5ODkzNzcxOktFZ0xlam1KbUxUb2gyUUNqWVVoaGpDSjE2NjkzNDUwMDgxMTE=",
"cancel_url": "www.wooshpay.com",
"line_items": {
"object": "list",
"data": [
"id": "li_1661926259510214656",
"object": "item",
"currency": "PHP",
"description": "apple",
"price": {
"id": "price_1661926259543769088",
"object": "price",
"created": 1685069072000,
"active": true,
"currency": "PHP",
"metadata": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"nickname": "apple",
"product": {
"id": "prod_1661926259560546304",
"object": "product",
"created": 1685069072000,
"active": true,
"description": "very delicious",
"metadata": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"name": "apple",
"livemode": false,
"url": "www.wooshpay.com",
"updated": 1685069072000
"type": "one_time",
"livemode": false,
"unit_amount": 20000,
"billing_scheme": "per_unit",
"lookup_key": "test_lookup_key"
"quantity": 1,
"amount_subtotal": 20000,
"amount_total": 20000
"payment_intent": "pi_1661926259778650112",
"payment_method_types": [
"payment_status": "unpaid",
"success_url": "https://wooshpay.com/",
"amount_subtotal": 20000,
"amount_total": 20000,
"billing_address_collection": "auto",
"expires_at": 1685155472015,
"payment_link": "",
"client_secret": "pi_1661926259778650112_secret_BtNbU3T2LqvdqRNTYsXsgkh3"
Next step
You can add more features to your integration as needed
Create a Webhook
Listen to events on your WooshPay account so your integration can automatically trigger reactions. Create a webhook that mainly focuses on enabled_events and url.
Create a Refund
Create a refund to repay funds to your customer. You can also perform partial refunds, but not every payment method supports them. A partial refund is when you refund only part of the original transaction amount.